Daylight in Buildings

Brighter Future Tunnel


Alicja Sutkowska, Magdalena Kijewska, Kaja Strzemiecka, Justyna Chmielewska


Karol Szparkowski


Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania w Warszawie



Brighter Future Tunnel

Project Description

Nowadays, silence and time among verdure seem to be vanishing step by step in everyday life’s speed and duties. Mental health problems become more weighty and more common. People feel much more stressed than ever before. Our project is focused on trying to solve shortages in light and nature in urban environment. It is known that being outside boosts our mood and eases widely named ‘bad’ thoughts. Looking at recent news and trends in social media, then analyzing the number of posts presenting plants in the living spaces it does indicate people’s belief stating that plants are friends – always there to listen and guarantee clean air. Our aim is to provide a pleasant, family-friendly or just human-friendly space to rethink and have a dose of noise detox. Being inspired by light- therapy and forest therapy we wanted to achieve a pure synthesis of their unbelievable and easy to get treatment and relief. A refuge for a person looking for peace and quiet. The project is designed to be situated in any location – but especially for busy city centers, where it could have a significant impact. Light coming through based on Voronoi diagram creates amazing shadows, which leads to an enhancing perception of a structure. Every single curved window is unique and enchanting. Just like us, human beings – everyone varies but together we are creating an essential and beautiful community.