Daylight Investigations

City Cure of Light


Weijie Zhang, Jian Ming


Yiqiang Xiao


South China University of Technology


China - Mainland

City Cure of Light

Project Description

What does light mean to us? It is vision, it is energy, it is the familiar existence that accompanies us, it also can be the cure for the city. With the fast pace of modern life and high pressure mode, most people feel on the go from early to night. In addition to pressure, even some office workers regard natural daylight as their luxury. Besides the spiritual sense of the sunlight itself, in terms of physical characteristics, it will also have a good effect on people's depression. Therefore, we came up with using the abandoned telephone booth in the city to transform it, similar to the space experience of a single church, so it will collect sunlight and store it as electricity, and use special coating to simulate natural sunlight at night, which is convenient as a telephone booth, providing a light-cure chapel for busy people in the city.