Daylight in Buildings

Daylight as an alternative to our future


Anna Zahorna


Alan Alekseenko


Kharkiv State Academyof Design and Arts



Daylight as an alternative to our future

Project Description

Most of the day — our active time of day — takes place indoors. The human biological rhythm is evolutionarily adapted to the change of day and night. Moreover, light of a certain intensity affects not only our vision, but also the hormonal system. Natural resources should be addressed not only because of the rise in price of electricity, but also because daylight has the ability to positively influence on the human body. It is necessary at the design stage to provide for the possibility of universal use of daylight. In addition, this natural resource is abundant, and it goes to us for free. Consider how to create such lighting in a room where a person spends his time, so that it contributes to maintaining human health. Thanks to a simple device, which is a lens with directing daylight to a reflective device, it will help us control the balance and temperature of the light, the rays will be located in the room, so as to illuminate areas in which there is not enough light and create a pleasant atmosphere. In the case of large rooms, we can limit individual functional areas with the help of light. The lens will illuminate and emphasize various elements of interior design, in turn, decorative light will highlight selected areas.