Daylight Investigations

Daylight in cave of mother nature


Yu Hao Chen, Yu Chen Chen


Chang-Liang Lai


National United University



Daylight in cave of mother nature

Project Description

Although temple and cultural beliefs are no longer exist, they are preserved in a different form.We want to reshape the land of cultural belief by combining natural sunshine and mountain spring water. Also, we want to emphasize the relationship between the cave, people, and religion. The concept of directing sunlight into the cave symbolizes forward to the future from the past.Faith bridges soul, mountains, sea, rock texture, time-lapse, erosion, and people Baxin cave is located on the cliffs that face the Pacific Ocean in Taitung township. It was eroded by the sea and rise with the terrain. In the past, there were many temples and religious structures in the cave. They have become the religious belief of the locals. However, the temple and religious structures were tear down by the government as they damage the natural environment severely in the year of 2017. We analyze the natural dripping direction of the mountain spring water and people's behavior in the cave. After performing the grid analysis, we develop a mechanism made of reflective material that not only direct sunlight into the cave, but also collect mountain spring water.With the passage of time, the device on the cave wall influence the visitor's path in the cave. The visual space in the cave changed with the rise and set of the sun. When sounds resonated through the cave, the mechanism that direct sunlight spring water will be triggered. In the meantime, sunlight and spring water sprinkle. It symbolizes the connection between God and people. The device is filled up and emptied once a day, which reflects the behavior of high and low tide. The sprinkle of mountain soring water represents the generosity of our mother nature.