Daylight in Buildings

Individual house


Сергій Стоян


Олена Ванькова


Chernivtsi National Juriy Fedkovych University



Individual house

Project Description

The design process takes into account the type of human activity for which lighting must be provided: - the required amount of light, - the color of the light, as this may affect the appearance of the individual - objects and perception of the environment in general, - distribution of light in space, or indoors or outdoors, - the impact of the lighting system on the user. It is important to understand that, in the end, the indicator of success in lighting is human perception, that is, whether what should be is clearly visible, easy and without discomfort. Lighting designers are often specialists who need to understand: the physics of light, its radiation and distribution, the physiology and psychology of human perception of light, the anatomy of the human eye, and the reaction of rods and cones to light Architectural lighting design is a field of architecture, interior design and electrical engineering that involves the development of lighting systems, including natural lighting, electric light, or both, to serve human needs. Light and architecture are not two separate concepts, because architectural elements such as surfaces, volumes, colors and textures lose their meaning without light.