Daylight Investigations

resurgent light module


逸轩 杨, 议坤 房


建彤 赵,

елена рябкова


Pacific National University


Russian Federation

resurgent light module

Project Description

Sunshine has been around for nearly 5 billion years, and will exist forever in the foreseeable future. Light is eternal and never fades away. From ancient times to modern times, we lost the Roman Arena in the earthquake, the Parthenon in the war, and Notre Dame in the fire ... even in the unpredictable future, we will lose some building. Therefore, architecture is not eternal. However, they are not just a building. It is a collection of symbols, memories, witnesses to history, and monuments that affect us all. But light is eternal, witnessing the development of human civilization. How to regenerate the monument of civilization with eternal light? We hope that those parts of the building that no longer exist can be copied in the form of natural light during the night of city sleep. Use phosphor-filled glass bricks as the most basic light-emitting unit, and then restore them in the original construction of the building. In the daytime, it looks like glass, which can achieve a blank and nothingness, and at night, the broken part can be regenerated as a symbol of nature and eternity. It records human exploration of building structure and design. The device uses natural light in the simplest way to restore and commemorate buildings that no longer exist and are memorable by imitation. Has great applicability.