Daylight in Buildings

Shadow Play in Myriad Families


Shuxin (Shandong Jianzhu University) Chen, Hairuo (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) Cai, Xiaoxing (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) Ma, Shuxin Chen


Qi Liu


Shandong Jianzhu University


China - Mainland

Shadow Play in Myriad Families

Project Description

Light reminds us of the shadow play from childhood—a childhood memory of light and shadow. In today's age of diverse entertainment life, shadow play's charm is fading away. Seen only on special occasions, shadow play seems to live only in memory. In this project, we go back to the origin of the shadow play - Hua county,Shaanxi province. Combining the local natural conditions and the traditional cave dwelling, based on the randomness of human activities with the projection law of natural light and artificial light, the indoor and outdoor people can enjoy an interesting light and shadow interaction in different time periods through the solar curtain at the entrance of the cave. Moreover, in the alternation of day and night, everyone becomes the character of this "shadow play", performing the drama of today's life. In this way, shadow play is inadvertently integrated into life. Not only the indoor comfort level is improved but also people’s memory of light and shadow is awakened again. Through the shadow play of contemporary people's life, we hope that the culture of shadow can be closely connected with people's life in a new way. While lighting the cave, the culture of shadow play will continue to be passed on.