Daylight in Buildings







Universidad Nacional de Colombia




Project Description

This project proposes the construction of a mixed-use sports center in the Chapinero sector in Bogotá. The project is presented as the most viable solution to the problem of public space that not only afflicts this particular sector, but the entire urban area. Additionally, it seeks to hybridize the sports center with student housing, taking advantage of the characteristics of the university sector, allowing the feasibility and profitability of the project to be increased. Additionally, this project seeks to build the foundations of a movement of futuristic architecture in which the lights of the cities are turned off and there is safety within darkness. Now, it is not an absolute darkness, but a guided and thought-out darkness for the human being, to be shown in turn as a solution to the problem of light and environmental pollution caused by excessive use of electrical energy. The idea is to replace traditional light sources with ultraviolet LED (black light), which consume between 30% and 60% less electricity, and which allows users to be guided without having to directly illuminate them, thereby recovering the night landscape (the Milky Way). The premise addressed is the lack of something basic in contemporary architecture: darkness and observation of the visible universe. It is not denied that both light and darkness are vital to life, however, the latter brings balance and stability to a society founded on light, but both elements are essential for the preservation of life and will help to overcome an absurd fear that has been latent since before the origins of humanity. For this we must replace traditional incandescent lighting, because it is very excessive and direct lighting, which dulls the prominence of other elements of architecture such as the night landscape and the architecture itself, not to mention that it damages health and the environment, because light pollution is responsible for the extinction of fireflies, the alterations in the biological clock in humans, the decrease in the production of melatonin in living beings, the over consumption and the celestial brightness that prevents us from seeing the Milky Way in the nights. On the other hand, indirect ultraviolet lighting produces architecture to shine through fluorescent colors, helps disinfect surfaces of viruses and mites, prevents related diseases from exposure to artificial light and meets the objectives of the La Palma starlight statement (2007). The main rule to use ultra violet light as lighting, is not to use it directly on people but only on surfaces, such as walls or floors. It is also possible to reuse existing lamps and add a filter that transforms incandescent light into false ultra violet light, that is, it generates the effect of ultraviolet light, but does not have the harmful effects of true ultraviolet light. It should also be noted that ultra violet light allows us to choose what we want to light up or what we want to hide in plain sight, due to the fact that the matt white color looks black under the exposure of this type of light, while the bright white color looks blue fluorescent. In other words, the color that illuminates the most during the day, can either illuminate or darken depending on what we choose. "Silence in music is the absence of noise, in architecture it is the absence of light." As in music, architecture requires silence, at night light is the instrument to visualize architecture, but not literally as it is shown to us in the day, but abstract and minimalist, in which the human being can navigate, understand, relate and locate, without the need for incandescent lighting, but using indirect light that does not overshadow the darkness and allows us to spatially understand where we stand. Abstracting the world through lines and dots is the work of night architecture. Architecture in the dark is totally different from architecture in the light, almost its antithesis, therefore, if daytime Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of volumes brought together in LIGHT, night architecture its antithesis, therefore, is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of light as volume in darkness. Returning to concepts of abstract and minimalist painting, such as point, line and plane, mixing them with fundamental musical concepts in order to understand architecture spatially and artistically. Finally, with this project the concept of architecture was expanded, articulating the macro with the micro, understanding this as a whole in which architecture is inserted. For this, the view and objectives range from a microscopic scale, such as the details of a house, to a telescopic scale, such as the Milky Way and the visible universe.